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Thread: TO HELP OUR APPLICANTS [the main tasks and directions of our staff's activities]

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    Honorary Citizen #PR4W#'s Avatar
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    Exclamation TO HELP OUR APPLICANTS [the main tasks and directions of our staff's activities]

    Category of STAFF (employees) Tasks and Direction of STAFF`s Activity Availability Of Vacancies

    - active and constant work in two sections you can post any [*not prohibited / forbidden here] XXX-materials in the form of single links, siterips in multi links, your own collections, etc.):
    XXX Leaks &
    V.I.P XXX Leak (priority)

    - fulfilling individual requests of our VIP members to upload and publish individual and rare materials here!

    *deprivation of the status maybe
    occurs in case of absence of activity for a certain time (by the decision of the administration)


    - the MAIN GROUP of our staff, which fills all our sections with passwords and accounts as much as possible (VIP section is a priority)

    - ACTIVE and CONSTANT WORK in the indicated sections


    *deprivation of the status maybe
    occurs in case of absence of activity for a certain time (by the decision of the administration)


    - our MAIN GROUP which provides configs for cracking, publishes manuals and tourtorials on specific software

    - ACTIVE and PROMT assistance to our contributors and users in cracking work and using published configs

    - we will also highly appreciate the publication of accounts obtained using our own and third-party configs and software!

    *deprivation of the status maybe
    occurs in case of absence of activity for a certain time (by the decision of the administration)



    - our main "GUARDIANS OF ORDER", who monitor compliance with the rules (there are not so many rules, but they need to be followed and someone should follow this)

    - according to the decision of the forum administration, our participants can be granted the rights and status of a moderator, who will need it for development, organization and bringing their own contribution to our common home!

    - separately about access for moderators: we trust them, but we provide LIMITED ACCESS to the all content published here in order to avoid leeching, destruction and theft ( it was on C365 / NTG...)!

    - downgrading of the status for this group of staff will be carried out by the administration individually, the administration reserves the right NOT to notify moderators who may be downgraded of their actions!

    ************************************************** ***********************

    Founder (FD)

    LORDS, OWNERS, DEVELOPERS - their opinion is the most important thing here!
    (*there are no vacancies - you can become a founder only by the will of the founders)

    Super Mod (SMOD)
    developers, managers, supervisors, inventors, organizers - coordinate their ideas and solutions with the founders.
    (*there are no vacancies available - you can become smod only by the will of the founders )

    Hall of Fame (HOF)
    honorable and respected users who have brought a lot of benefits to our house, but have retired and are enjoying the laurels of fame.
    (*the rank is assigned based on the wishes and ideas of the administration and staff)

    Honorary Citizen (HC)
    worthy members of the community, who in one form or another have earned respect and honor at the forum for their merits and/or assistance to the participants of our home.

    (*the rank is assigned based on the wishes and ideas of the administration and staff)

    ================================================== ==========

    Power User (PU)
    - constant active work in one or more sections, which will be different from what regular registered users (RegUs) post;
    - high-quality contribution (the results of their own work are welcome, but if someone brings something here from other boards and forums and it will work after publication here, we will also appreciate it);

    (*withdrawal of the PU status and transfer to RegUs will be carried out in case of inactivity, the transfer of inactivity will be determined individually in all cases).

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Last edited by #PR4W#; 10-21-2022 at 08:04 PM. Reason: add: 1) little about PU + 2) little correction
    Thanks MetaAndrew, daylack, javmaster19, virtualreality thanked for this post
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